Paxton Air knife systems

Ak 2 Aluminum Ak 10 9 2014

Available in both aluminum and 304 stainless steel, Paxton Air Knives are designed to give maximum efficiency for high velocity air drying and blow off applications. These systems feature a continuous, uninterrupted air slot design that give uniform air coverage over the project area with a standard gap setting of 0.055 inches. The rugged 304 SS construction of the stainless steel air knives stands up to the harsh detergents used in washdown facilities.


Air knives are used to blow liquids or debris off a wide variety of materials:

  • Water and chemicals can be sheared from surfaces after washing
  • Bottling and canning facilities use air knives to dry products prior to date coding or labeling
  • Fruit and other food products are dried, and dirt and debris are blown off with air
  • After cutting or machining, debris and scrap are effectively removed from metal, wood, cardboard, plastic and other surfaces
  • Packaged foods are air dried without adding excessive heat
  • After applying coatings to parts, foods, etc, excess coating can be sheared off to evenly distribute the coating
  • Chemicals and flux can be removed from printed circuit boards