Fundamentals of weathering - 22 & 23 oktober 2024

In the Fundamentals of Weathering workshop we take a closer look at the different aspects of natural aging and weathering of materials. How can we simulate these in a laboratory environment and which test methods and standards are used for this?

There is also time to highlight practical experiences and to get acquainted with colleagues in an informal way.

The Fundamentals of Weathering workshop runs over two days. Day 1 highlights the basic topics and on day 2 we go deeper into a number of topics. You can register for both days or 1 day.


FOW I - 22/10/2024
Influence of the weather on the material

FOW II - 23/10/2024
Testing and controlling the influence of the weather

  • What are the weather influences?
  • Aging by weathering
  • Parameters of the weather
  • Natural weathering
  • Laboratory testing
  • Standards overview
  • Correlation & acceleration
  • Weather influences on polymers
  • Stabilization mechanisms
  • Reference materials
  • Correlation
  • Optimization of accelerated tests
Participation fee day 1: 140 €
Price includes drinks, lunch and USB.
Participation fee day 2: 160 €
Price includes drinks, lunch and USB.

FOW 1 will take place in either Dutch or English.
FOW 2 is with an ATLAS guest speaker and will be held entirely in English.